FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation
The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) is a New Jersey based 501(c)(3) organization comprised of former federal agents, prosecutors, lawyers, medical professionals, researchers, and volunteers from around the United States and all over the world. Many of our former feds are ‘former’ because they witnessed the corruption of our most fundamental systems firsthand and subsequently became conscientious objectors.
Our Mission
The mission of the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is threefold. Our primary mission (to be undertaken via several concrete primary objectives) is to restore America and the Western world to those conditions existing and considered normal prior to the emergence of the pandemic crisis and the unconstitutional mandates that accompanied it, all of which seem directed towards a so-called ‘New Normal’ we consider antithetical to traditional American and Western concepts of liberty and community. We will save lives by exposing the ‘FDA Death Protocol’ for what it is. We will help people assert their legal right to refuse to submit to harmful COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandates, and call a halt to what might otherwise shape into a practically inexorable momentum towards COVID-19 ‘vaccine passports’ and draconian Digital ID systems.